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Collector's Board

It would be our pleasure to showcase your amazing story and photos. Here are the categories in which you can participate.

Submission has be completed by the Second week of Sunday each month in order to publish following the month issue.

Share a picture of your celebrity doll, whether it's dressed up according to your concept or resembles a real celebrity.

Share a memorable moment you have had with your dolls.

Share any tips for doll, such as making underwear, or restringing.

 Share your story at the local doll meetup or doll convention.


  • All photo & writing will be credited to the participants and we will promote your social media and website as you want.

  • We send you gifts or store credits, so you can use it for the shop. 

Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions! We're excited to connect with you in the dolly community and have a great time together!

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